Google Classroom


SBA teachers use Google Classroom as an efficient way to send you class updates, assignments, discussion threads, and even polls and quizzes. Students submit reports and homework assignments back to the teacher, along with authorized group collaboration with other students. Individual teachers manage Google Classrooms, and they will introduce students to various features as they are applied during each year or semester.

Parents and guardians may be invited to receive notifications of student progress on completing assignments along with classwork communications sent via Google Classroom. Only your teachers can invite a parent or guardian. Parents cannot join a classroom with the student class code.

How Students Join a Google Classroom

Joining an SBA Google Classroom is easy, using your email account. There are two ways to join a classroom:

Email Invitation

- Go to

- There will be a classroom from that teacher with student profiles; click “join”

Class Code

- Your teacher will give you the code in class or send it to you in an email.

- Go to and click Sign In. Sign in with your SBA account hosted by Google (For example,

- At the top, click Add/Join class.

- Enter the class code your teacher gave you and click Join (a class code consists of 6 or 7 letters or numbers).

NOTE: For either method above, you can change your profile picture by clicking HERE

Helpful Links

Post to the Stream page

Mention classmates in your posts

Email your teacher or classmates

Share a webpage with your teacher

Share content from a mobile device