Google Drive

  • Google Drive is an application that allows you to create and organize files as well as share them with teachers and students for more productive collaboration.

  • Google Drive has sub-applications that create different kinds of files. These include:

    • Google Docs - word processing

    • Google Sheets - spreadsheets

    • Google Slides - presentations

Accessing Google Drive on Desktop/Browser

    • Log in to your account on any Google website Click on the application icon in the upper right hand corner of the main Google page (it looks like a grid of 9 boxes)

    • Click on the Google Drive icon in the pop up window that appears when you

    • Create Drive Files - click on the white “New” button on the left side of the screen. It gives you the option to create a document (this will open Google Docs), slideshow (this will open Google Slides), spreadsheet (this will open Google Sheets), form, or drawing.

      • There are technically individual apps for Docs, Slides, and Sheets, but to avoid confusion, it’s best to work solely within Google Drive

    • Upload - To upload files you can either drag and drop files from your desktop to Google Drive inside your browser or click on "My Drive" under the search bar, click "Upload Files," then select the file you want to import.

    • Organize - All your files can be organized into folders. Creating a folder for every subject can be a good practice for easy access to all your files.

      • All of your files can be seen under “My Drive.”

      • To see the files shared with you just click on “Shared with me” on the left-hand side of the screen

    • Share Documents - Shared files allow you to send your work directly to your teacher and collaborate with students on assignments. Once shared, your teachers/peers can view, edit, or comment on your work.

      • To Share a file, right click on it, click “Share,” then add the emails of the people you wish to share it with and hit send.

      • Note: You have the option to select how much control people you've shared the file with have over the file by selecting the "Can Edit," "Can Comment," or the "Can View" options

Accessing Google Drive on iPad

    • Download - Go to the Apple App Store and search for the Google Drive app. Download and install using your AppleID and password.

    • Login - To log into Google Drive on the app, open the app and type in your login information to connect the app to your account - Use your email. For more information about your Google/Silverdaleba account click here.

      • Google makes separate apps to edit each type of file. There are apps for Google Docs, Google Slides, and Google Sheets. You must download these separate apps to be able to edit files on your iPad.

      • Once you download these apps, you can go back to Google Drive and tap on the plus icon in the lower right corner to create a file, which will open one of those apps so you can edit it.

    • Organize - The best way to organize all these apps is put the Docs, Sheets, and Slides app into one category on your iPad, forget that they exist, and then deal solely within the Drive app which will open them automatically when you need them.

    • To Share a File - tap on the icon at the end of the file, then tap "Add People," add the emails, and tap on the paper airplane icon to send it.