SBA Current Status

Current Status: Phase 4 (RED)

- Phase 1 = Description

- Phase 2 = Description

- Phase 3 = Description

- Phase 4 = Description

Details for Phase 4 - TBD

Concepts to include:

    • Phase Plan - waiting on final

    • Distance Learning - TBD

    • COVID Info - Nurses Corner

    • Schedules - TBD

    • Preschool

    • Elementary School

    • Middle School

    • High School

    • Online Learning Support - IT and Teaching

    • Summer Camps 2020 - TBD

In all Phases:

    • Establish and continue communication with local and State authorities to determine current levels in your community.

    • Protect and support staff, children, and their family members who are at higher risk for severe illness. Plan in place for work-at-home for high risk employees

    • Ensure that any other community groups or organizations that use the child care facilities also follow this guidance:

Safety Actions for all Phases

    • Promote healthy hygiene practices

    • Teach and reinforce washing hands and covering coughs and sneezes among children and staff.

    • Teach and reinforce use of cloth face coverings among all staff. Face coverings are most essential at times when social distancing is not possible. Staff should be frequently reminded not to touch the face covering and to wash their hands frequently. Information should be provided to all staff on proper use, removal, and washing of cloth face coverings.

    • Have adequate supplies to support healthy hygiene behaviors, including soap, hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol (for staff and older children who can safely use hand sanitizer), and tissues.

    • Post signs on how to stop the spread of COVID-19, properly wash hands, promote everyday protective measures, and properly wear a face covering. Intensify cleaning, disinfection, and ventilation

    • Clean, sanitize, and disinfect frequently touched surfaces (for example, playground equipment, door handles, sink handles, drinking fountains) multiple times per day and shared objects between use.

    • Avoid use of items (for example, soft or plush toys) that are not easily cleaned, sanitized, or disinfected.

    • Ensure safe and correct application of disinfectants and keep products away from children.

    • Ensure that ventilation systems operate properly and increase circulation of outdoor air as much as possible by opening windows and doors, using fans, and other methods. Do not open windows and doors if doing so poses a safety or health risk (for example, allowing pollen in or exacerbating asthma symptoms) to children using the facility.

    • Take steps to ensure that all water systems and features (for example, drinking fountains, decorative fountains) are safe to use after a prolonged facility shutdown to minimize the risk of Legionnaires’ disease and other diseases associated with water.

    • Ensure social distancing