User Accounts
Student User Accounts (Active Directory)
This account is necessary to log in to:
Student Canvas Learning Management System accounts
SORA digital library accounts
SBA computers (libraries and computer labs)
Access to WiFi network (SSID - SBA)
Access to Student Printers (HS Receptionist, HS Library, HS Computer Lab)
Student Credentials - Canvas, SORA, WiFi and School Computers
Preschool thru 5th Grade
Student - Jane Doe
User - 30jdoe (Graduating Year, first initial, last name)
Password - 1210003! (FACTS ID + ! )
6-12th grade students
Student - John Doe
User - 24jdoe (Graduating Year, first initial, last name)
In some circumstances (Examples: Twins with same first initial+last name, or preferred name is different from first name), your username may not follow the normal format. If you are not sure about your own username, please check with a member of the IT staff.
Returning students - the same password they used last year
New students - Seahawks1!, default password should immediately be changed by the student
How to Change Your Password
Change your computer password from the default password IMMEDIATELY. These are the steps that you will need to take:
Log into a school computer (in the Library or Upper School Computer Lab)
Open up System Preferences (the grey gear box)
Click on the Users & Groups icon (2 people)
Click "Change Password"
Type the old password, then type the new password in the next two boxes (in the 4th box you can type a hint)
Click "Change Password" and you should be good to go!
Related Sites: Connecting to WiFi